mmTree is a XSLT style sheet with a conversion utility for mm files generated with FreeMind mind map software. mmTree provides alternate HTML view for mind maps, somewhat similar to standard HTML export in FreeMind but based on MarkTree UI. See more info about using mmTree in help file.
You can apply the XSL transformation directly in mm-file with XSL-enabled browser such as Mozilla or Internet Explorer. Just add the following line in the start of mm file and change its extension to xml.
<?xml-stylesheet href="toxhtml.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
Please note that in addition to XSL file you must have JavaScript file marktree.js and treestyles.css style sheet in the same directory as the mind maps. Button images plus.png and minus.png and link images Link.png, LinkLocal.png and LinkArrow.png are optional.
Alternatively, you can use any XSLT engine and serve mind maps as standard HTML. A minimal Java 1.4-enabled conversion utility (based on example code by R.G.Baldwin) is contained in the package. You can use the transformer as follows:
java -cp . XslTransformer toxhtml.xsl output.html
All the examples are in mm directory. Help file from FreeMind is used in examples.
mmTree is released as a separate package in MarkTree project. It is also embedded in FreeMind 0.8 as XHTML/JavaScript export method.
© Miika Nurminen (minurmin
Last update: 2006-03-12